The Chinese New Year begins with the new moon on Sunday February 10, 2013.
This is the Year of the Snake – people born in the Year of the Snake tend to be calm, determined, and passionate.
I always enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year as an opportunity to indulge in Chinese cuisine and treats. However, I never gave much thought to the Chinese zodiac, until… my first daughter was born in the Year of the Rat.
I began to notice when this sweet, little girl was among other children her age, they became feisty, territorial, and somewhat aggressive (at age 2, mind you…). I once witnessed my daughter and my best friend’s daughter (same age within six weeks) fight over a toy. These girls would rather lose fingers than give up that toy!
I read plenty of parenting books to know that young toddlers are self-centered by nature, and by all means they should be as a survival mechanism. But that example was a little too extreme. I knew these two girls were a different astrological sign, but maybe, just maybe, there was something to their birth year.
When I read that children born in the Year of the Rat are imaginative, charming, and generous, but can be quick-tempered, possessive, and defensive, I laughed out loud! These two sweet, charming girls were Rats!
I started reading a little more into the Chinese zodiac and it was interesting to consider it might explain some generational characteristics, as well as cycles of war and peace.
Anyway – Happy Chinese New Year!
If you know any little Snakes being born this year, look to see if they tend to be calm, determined little babes.
I do so love my little Rat! She keeps life interesting.
PS – The snake in the photo was a little neighborhood visitor last October. I love the action shot of him sticking his tongue out at us. Yuck! He is one desert neighbor I do not like.