Except, you have to sort of yell it like they do on Sesame Street (It’s this kid’s show you might have heard of. It’s been on for generations–the monster yells out, “the number of the day is…” or “the letter of the day is…”).
The number Two has been on my brain this month. It’s consumed me. Baby #2 just turned two-years-old on May 2nd! And Book #2 is about to be released. So I decided to take a lesson from one of my characters (Samantha McGreggor, The Loon Lake Series) and see if the number Two has any significant meaning to me. So I did what Sammy would do. I Googled it.
There are several biblical references to Two which weren’t quite what I was looking for. But I did find one fun reference on www.whats-your-sign.com regarding the Spiritual Meaning of Numbers–which was exactly what I was hoping to find.
My take home messages were:
- The symbolic meaning of Two is kindness and balance (always in need of this in my life).
- Two reflects a need for planning (understandably in order for there to be balance).
- Two deals with exchanges made with others, especially communication (ah-ha Book #2).
- This last part is good. “Two asks us to exert our natural flow of judgment to do what is best for the soul.” (This sounds right up Sammy’s alley and of course it spoke to me as well.)
For me, this was a fun little activity to find a little more meaning in the ordinary. I think that’s important–finding divine messages in everyday life. If you’re one of those folks who enjoys that take on life, there are some interesting messages delivered to Sammy in Summer of Dragonfly Changes.
PS – You might be wondering what the significance of the tiger cake is to the number two. It was Baby #2’s cake that I made a few weeks ago. I try to make cakes each birthday that are significant to the past year. When Big Sister and I were brainstorming what to put on Little Sister’s cake, Big Sister pointed out how much Little Sis loves tigers. “So you should put one of those on there.” And so I did. He turned out adorable. I’m not very artistic, but, when it comes to these special birthday cakes–love is the secret ingredient that makes it turn out perfect. Plus my audience is easy to please around here.