I’m excited to be a part of Kelly Rae Robert’s giveaway today – Dec. 10th. My discovery of Kelly Rae and her work was very serendipitous. It was about 4 years ago…I had published my first novel just months after my first daughter was born, and WOW, was I in over my head. First time parents are typically a little overwhelmed by the learning curve. Starting out a new – let alone creative – career is also very challenging. So to embark on these adventures simultaneously is a bit world-rattling, to say the least.
So at the time when my daughter was about 9-months old, my novel only 6-months old and I was trying to figure out if i could do both. One of my older sisters came to visit my daughter (okay, and me, I suppose). We talked about my professional goals. I was still balancing environmental work full-time, baby full-time, and writing when ever I could squeeze it in. She mentioned an artist I should look into. She told me all about her amazing blog and how she incorporates her work into her home and daily life. She said she would send me her website.
My birthday was a few weeks later and my younger sister gave me a cool print of an angel with the words “listening to grace.” Grace was my mother’s middle name and I gave my daughter the same middle name, hoping she would grow up to have the same kindness and sense of grace as my mother. (So far, at the age of five, the name is only used when she is far from graceful…if you know what I mean.)
Anyway…the print was one of Kelly Rae’s. The link my sister sent me was, of course, Kelly Rae’s. And now you can’t step into a gift shop without seeing her heartfelt pieces. I’ve taken some of her classes, have loved her community, and am definitely inspired by how she openly writes about the challenges she faces – especially the balance between family and work. I think we all have that struggle. It’s the number one challenge in our busy lives. I know she hears it everyday, but today I’m shouting out a little “Thank you” to Kelly Rae Roberts for sharing her artistic gift, yes, but also her ups and downs in a way that gives me hope…