I do! Every evening at dusk when these planets show up, they fill me with awe and delight! I hope you can feel it. I didn’t really feel any different the first several days of March except for more tired than usual. Maybe that was the effect these planets had then. BUT NOW – I feel something a Read More
Dreaming of them all in a row…
My ducks that is. I don’t know what it is about me lately, but I just can’t seem to get my act in gear. Maybe it’s a global phenomenon right now. Most women I talk to feel the same way! Sidetracked Distracted Too much is going on in my head Too many thing I want Read More
What’s Inside
It’s not what you look like on the outside that’s important… It’s how you feel on the inside that matters! I love springtime in the desert!
The photo says it all!
A smile for my Hello Soul, Hello Business friends and all you busy, hurried, stressed-out readers.
Why do I write?
I love to make people laugh. I previously wrote about the joy I received from making a lecture hall erupt with laughter (intentionally). It was the same joy I felt when I, as a teen, made my mom laugh herself to tears by a silly skit/dance number I did for her with panty hose around Read More
The Business Soul Sessions
I love this tagline. More importantly, I love that Soul comes before Business here. I think we all need more soul in our lives and since we spend most of our adult lives “working” – we certainly need more Soul in our Businesses! “Life” is meant to be a dynamic (of or relating to energy Read More
Remembering a True Storyteller
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of Professor Ron Wukasch. He was a professor of Environmental Engineering at Purdue University. I know he made an impact on thousands of students lives – his contribution to civil and environmental engineering cannot be measured. Today, I am so far removed from that industry to know Read More
Goodbye 2011. Hello 2012!
2012! Ah, a new year. New possibilities, new potential, new calendars, new datebooks… I love the ‘new year’ feeling. Funny how everything is really the same, just a new year. But, it feels different somehow. In my days of youth, I used to LOVE reading my annual horoscope in the January magazine issues. Now, with the internet Read More
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving has come and gone and the holiday season is frantically upon us. I hope you were all able to thank your loved ones and those important to you. But if you didn’t get the chance, not to worry, you have every day to say “Thank you.” I’m thankful for my husband and family who brighten Read More
What is 20?
If 60 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 20, what is 20? I’ve been thinking a lot about numbers lately, especially the number 3. My first-born just turned three last week. I had been in a constant kind of Sesame Street trance, “The number of the day is 3!” If someone ever told Read More