Or questions that is… “There are years that ask questions and years that answer.” Zora Neale Hurston Can you relate to that? For me lately, it’s been months that ask questions and months that answer. And these past few months have been asking questions. Most have been parenting and health-related questions. Others have been some Read More
Author: Joan Gable
Party Time…
I’m excited to be a part of Kelly Rae Robert’s giveaway today – Dec. 10th. My discovery of Kelly Rae and her work was very serendipitous. It was about 4 years ago…I had published my first novel just months after my first daughter was born, and WOW, was I in over my head. First Read More
Summer of 2013 – Thank You California
As the summer of 2013 comes to an end, I look back and have to thank California for giving us some relief from the heat. “They” say it was the hottest summer in central Arizona on record. We had the pleasure of driving through the worst of it on our way to the coast – it was Read More
Little Day Celebrations – Poppy Seed Cake
I made this cake yesterday on the anniversary of my mom’s one-way ticket to heaven. For me, it was a nice way to commemorate the day – to feel close to her. And it was fun to sit down in the afternoon and “just have cake.” It seems a lost tradition. I used my “special Read More
The Summer of Discontent…
Last Friday, the headlines read that the summer of discontent began in Istanbul, Turkey. Those headlines spoke to me on a few levels. Obviously I have a “Summer of” theme going with my novels, so that phrase right there struck me. But it mostly caused me to reflect on a trip I took to Greece Read More
The number of the month is…2!
Except, you have to sort of yell it like they do on Sesame Street (It’s this kid’s show you might have heard of. It’s been on for generations–the monster yells out, “the number of the day is…” or “the letter of the day is…”). The number Two has been on my brain this month. It’s consumed me. Baby #2 just Read More
Spring has sprung!
Spring has sprung – so summer should be here next week in Arizona. Mama Owl’s been faithfully hanging out in her nest since St. Valentine’s Day. Those babies are getting big and someday soon her nest will be empty, until next year. She’s become some sort of symbol for me – an annual reminder of life, motherhood, Read More
Year of the Snake
The Chinese New Year begins with the new moon on Sunday February 10, 2013. This is the Year of the Snake – people born in the Year of the Snake tend to be calm, determined, and passionate. I always enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year as an opportunity to indulge in Chinese cuisine and treats. However, I Read More
What happened to May?
Soon enough, I’ll be asking, “What happened to June?”! How is it almost July? My May began with Baby #2 turning 1-year old, Little Miss One-derful. Wow, what a year! Then from Mother’s Day to Race Day (being from Indianapolis, “Race Day” remains a holiday), the month flew by. Mama Owl had her babies and was the perfect example of Read More
You never know what you might find under a rock!
Oh my goodness! How sweet are these little fellas? We moved a rock in our yard to find these sweet guys cuddling together! Ah – another beautiful sign of spring in the desert. But summer is on its way and quick! Expecting 100 this weekend…